Lyrics written for the band 'Cold And Dead' by Raghav Kandubai.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

i am a rockstar

walking on the street
in a pair of beaten jeans
carrying a wounded heart
dragging ma acoustic
leaving a line of pain
all along the way

this night i am again alone
in the corner, cold and damned
tapping ma feet
to the tune of ma fingers
playing on the biting strings
waiting for a cut

the angels and the dumb
they giggle and smile
i am the rockstar
who cant take a heart away
i am a rockstar
i got no song to play
a rockstar
fadin away
like a comet
never to return again

there was this angel
with a sweetest smile
she must have broken many hearts
she broke mine
all night long thinking of her
i went far, i lost my way

every night i am alone
in the corner, cold and damned
tapping ma feet
to the tune of ma fingers
playing on the biting strings
waiting for a cut

the angels and the dumb
giggle and smile
i am the rockstar
who cant take a heart away
i am a rockstar
i got no song to play
a rockstar
fadin away
like a comet
never to return again


Wanna say something to Raghav?

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